Game Trailer
The Video Game expands the storyline of the Footsoldier franchise. It allows players to pick and choose characters on opposing sides, in which they will play in settings identical to scenes in the films. Fans will be able to explore more of the stories through the cutscenes and ADR throughout the game. The opposing antiheroes you pick consists of: Craig Rolfe, Bernard O'Mahoney, Pat Tate, Tony Tucker and Charlotte.
Choose your Footsoldier
The new Rise of the Footsoldier video game allows fans, old and new, to pick and choose which character to play in this new arcade brawler, playing your chosen antihero in the iconic Footsoldier set pieces.
Arcade Style
The gameplay explodes with slick arcade excitement, similar to successful titles such as Streets of Rage 4, and Brutal Street. A perfectly suited genre for the franchise with its wild, violent and irreverent tones with 30+ years of popularity and success.
Graphic Cutscenes
Using the likeness of each actor who portrayed the characters throughout the films, the game will encapsulate the players attention with the graphic cutscenes between each level and will show scenarios including dialogue that will bridge the events explored in the films.
Meet The Characters
Craig Rolfe
The underdog to Pat Tate’s successful and not so successful drug deals. Craig, who is usually paired with Tony Tucker, are the dogs who get their hands dirty.
Pat Tate
A notorious gangster and drug dealer who rises through the ranks of the Essex underworld.
Tony Tucker
Pat Tate’s most trusted side man and a full time gangster. Tucker, alongside Rolfe, usually carry out the dirty work.
She was underestimated before, but now she has grown into a business owner and trickster. She loves to turn the men against each other to satisfy her revenge.